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Affordable Acupuncture

Multibed style

This is a system where more than one person is treated at the same time. It is offered in many medical systems and is well suited to acupuncture. You have an initial consultation and treatment is started, you are then allowed to rest with the needles in situ, whilst the clinician moves onto another patient consultation.

During this period if you need anything your clinician will not be far from you. This continues until the end of your treatment time when the clinician will return to finish your treatment. Ultimately it allows for more patients to be seen and therefore the cost is reduced for you.

Set up

Our clinical set up means that we work in one big room with several beds. We look after your privacy by having privacy screens. If more privacy is needed, then an area away from the rest of the beds is used.  Pre-appointment discussions can be carried out over individual zoom sessions or telephone and therefore help with discussion of any sensitive information you may want to talk about.

You are never left alone in the room itself as there will always be one clinician present. This means if for example you feel cooler and need a blanket, this can be easily sorted by the clinician’s present.

Due to other patients being present and visible there is a different feel to the clinic compared to one-to-one consultations. Other patients can sometimes offer support or camaraderie.


After filling in a pre-appointment form you will have a  zoom or telephone conversation before having the first session. The first treatment may last for just over an hour. Later treatments are more likely to be less than an hour.


Normally you will be seen by the same clinician unless for reasons such as sickness or holiday where an arrangement has been made for another clinician to see you.

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